Daragh and I have arrived at our destination, Puerto Vallarta, with wedding plans still intact. We met with our 'wedding planner', Abigail at the Westin, to finalize the details for the Big Day. The beach was packed with people enjoying their Christmas holiday so we quickly made changes to the original location to avoid being smacked in the head with a Frisbee while reciting our vows. The attention to detail by Abigail made our ceremony a memorable one for us all. As the guests arrived at the Westin for the ceremony, Taylor, the charming flower girl along with Mary, my maid of honour and I told stories and giggled in our hotel room. Brother John was on hand to take my arm down the aisle, with parents James, and Irene, we are sure looking down from above. It was a magical day for us both as the rest of our families arrived; My sisters Mary and Tes with brother John, along with Kim, John and Brian, with girlfriend Donna, from the Nagle side. Daragh's brother Kieran and Kay arrived from Ireland to handle the best man duties. We also had friends Michelle, Christine and Craig, Jos and Barb, and blue water cruisers John and Nikki and Barb and Lionel. A good time was had by all as we ate and drank to our hearts content, and danced into the night. The next night was New Years Eve so we invited the gang to join us for a night of champagne and fireworks atop the lighthouse restaurant El Faro, with a panoramic vista of the twinkling city below.


The Owl and the Pussycat went to sea on a beautiful pea-green boat.
They took some honey, and plenty of money, wrapped up in a five-pound note.
The Owl looked up to the stars above and played to a small guitar,
Pussy, oh Pussy my love what a beautiful Pussy you are,
Oh Owl, said Pussy, you elegant fowl,how beautifully you do sing!
Let us be married , too long we have tarried,but what shall we do for a ring?
They sailed away for a year and a day, to the land where the Bong trees grow,
And there in the wood, a Piggywig stood, with a ring in the end of his nose!
Pig,if you're willing, will you sell for a shilling, the ring? said Piggy,I will!
So they sailed away, and were married next day, by the turkey who lived on the hill.
They dined on quinze and plenty of mince, Which they ate with a runcible spoon,
And there on the strand, on the edge of the sand,they danced by the light of the moon.
Edward Lear